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Software Development

800 British pounds
Virtual Training (Live)

Available spots

Service Description

Gain the skills you need to become a software developer with Agile Guild's Software Development training program. Learn industry tools, methodologies while also gaining hands-on experience in building mobile apps and more. Get ready to join our 10 weeks (twice a week) course which will take your career to the next level in the dynamic world of software development. CURRICULUM Kotlin and Android Development Course Outline 1: Introduction to Kotlin Overview of Kotlin Setting Up the Development Environment Kotlin Basics 2: Kotlin Language Fundamentals Control Flow Functions Collections 3: Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin Classes and Objects Inheritance Data Classes and Sealed Classes 4: Advanced Kotlin Features Null Safety Extension Functions Generics and Type Aliases 5: Introduction to Android Development Introduction to Android Creating Your First Android App 6: Android UI Components and Layouts Understanding Android UI Layouts 7: Activity and Fragment Lifecycle Activities Fragments 8: Working with Android Resources Understanding Resources Drawable and Image Resources Themes and Styles 9: User Interaction and Navigation Event Handling Navigation Recycler View 10: Data Persistence and Networking Shared Preferences SQLite Database Networking in Android 11: Advanced Android Concepts Services and Broadcast Receivers Background Tasks Animations and Transitions Assessments: • Daily Knowledge Checks: Short quizzes after each module to assess understanding. • Hands-On Coding Exercises: Practical coding exercises during the training to reinforce learning. • Group Project Assessment: Evaluation of the group project, assessing collaboration, coding standards, and application of concepts. Coursework: • Interactive Lectures: Engaging sessions covering theoretical concepts, real-world examples, and best practices. • Hands-On Coding Workshops: Practical coding exercises to reinforce learning and build practical skills. • Group Project Development: Collaborative project de

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